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Is a College Coach Worth the Investment: Do You Agree?

Dec 12, 2023 By Triston Martin


College admissions can be cutthroat if your student has their sights set on an elite institution. If they had a college coach to guide them through the application process, they might have a better shot of getting into their top-choice school. However, the college coach investment can be relatively high. It is crucial to estimate your profit from the services before you commit to paying for them.

What Is a College Coach?

A college coach, often known as a college admissions consultant, is an individual who focuses on assisting students in the college application process. Some of these people have worked in the admissions offices of various universities before so they can speak with authority on the subject. The primary responsibility of a college coach is to aid a student in gaining admission to the institution of their choosing. They do this by giving each student unique guidance as they decide on and apply to colleges. Students can use them as a resource while deciding on extracurricular activities, course selections, and essay subjects for college applications.

College coaches for higher education can aid students in applying to both undergraduate and graduate programmes. The coaching process might start as early as middle school, depending on the institution your child is targeting. A college coach may help with more than just academics and extracurriculars when navigating the financial waters of higher education. One-on-one coaching sessions, in-person or virtual, can provide all of these support services. You are not restricted to working with admissions consultants in your location because coaches can provide additional support via email and phone.

College Coach Fees

Planning for the financial burden of higher education is essential. Professional college coaching services might increase a student's higher education cost. Costs can range widely based on the coaching or consulting organisation you use and the comprehensiveness of your student's service requirements. In contrast to the hourly rates of some instructors, the one-time fee of others is included in the price of a coaching package.

Fees per hour can quickly start at $85 and go up to $350, while complete service plans can cost $850 to $10,000. For example, one family paid a coaching organisation $1.5 million to assist their child get into an Ivy League university. Suppose you expect to spend tens of thousands of dollars on college expenses like tuition, fees, and living expenses. In that case, shelling out an additional $10,000 for coaching services may burden your finances. However, $850 for collegiate guidance might be more manageable.

Is Hiring a College Coach Worth It?

The return on investment (ROI) of hiring a college coach is highly conditional on the student's desired outcomes and your expectations for the coaching process. You risk hiring a college coach because they cannot ensure your child's acceptance to the institution of their choice. A college coach can advise students on the specific steps they should take to strengthen their application. However, in the end, it will be up to your student to complete the assignment. Their coach may recommend that they join a student organisation or work on raising their GPA. Still, unless they make an effort to implement these suggestions, they may be disappointed with the outcomes when college application season rolls around. A coach can help students solve problems you and the student might miss.

Weighing Cost vs Reward

Consider the value of a degree from your child's dream school against the money you'll be spending. According to PayScale, graduates with a Harvard degree may expect a typical annual compensation of $95,000 upon entering the workforce. That benefit could be worth a lot to a college coach, making the price tag worthwhile. Your return on investment (ROI) will be much lower if they are considering schools where graduates typically earn a starting salary of $50,000.

A lot of research should go into picking a college coach. Verify the available services and the costs associated with them. Investigate the coach's availability and success rate in getting students accepted. Find out what they're like to work with and ensure they aren't offering to do your student's homework. Avoid using a business that necessitates a sizable upfront payment before providing any assistance or that makes ridiculous claims about the outcomes you might expect. If a coach looks too good to be true, like every other aspect of life, they probably are.


Working parents have to make many tough choices regarding their children's education, especially when it comes to helping their kids become ready for and apply to college. As a result of the time and energy commitment required, many parents find themselves less invested in their children's education and stressed financially and emotionally. The worth of a college coach's investment depends on the outcomes you anticipate from working with them.

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